Owning a concession stand enables you to use your love of food to earn money and spread joy to others. It does come with risks, however. You have to protect yourself against theft, poor weather, and you have to find a good location. One other thing you have to protect yourself against is potential dangers to your customers. Let's take the concession window awning for example. Most awnings, such as those sold here, use gas struts. This is great, as it's a small and out of the way tool to hold up the awning and will keep up for several years. It isn't a perfect system, though. As will any strut you use, it will eventually get less effective. When this happens, it becomes more difficult for the strut to hold up the concession awning. This may be annoying now, but it becomes much more when the strut fails, letting the heavy awning fall on your or your customer's head. To prevent such a situation from occurring, there is a very simple tool; a concession support bar. With a tool such as this, your concession stand awning will only come down when you want it to.
Measuring 28" in full, this concession stand awning support bar is easy to use and easy to install. The easy-pull pin allows you to set up and take down the bar easily and works well over time. The installation is easy as well, with the two mounting brackets mounting to either the concession window frame or the wall of your trailer. Once installed, it's set to keep up for many years to come due to its solid construction and design. The bar and brackets are made of 316 stainless steel, a very high-quality steel that's tough and resistant to water and rust. The best thing about the strength of this bar and bracket support system is that it stands up to the test of wind and weather, preventing the gas struts from failing throughout this stress, protecting you, your customers, and your window from damage.
You don't want to risk your concession business by making the gas struts hold up all of the weight of the awning by themselves. By giving them the backup strength of this concession awning support bar, you can give yourself and your customers safety and peace of mind. Have any questions? Contact us online or call our friendly Customer Care team today!
- Bar width: 7/8"
- Bar length: 22"
- Full length: 28"
- Material: 316 stainless steel
- Unpainted finish
- Easy-pull pin
- Can mount to concession window or to trailer wall
- Includes bar and mounting brackets
- Durable
- Rust-resistant
- Water-resistant
- Easy to use and install
- Does not include screws