The Best Roofing Materials
When you want to make your RV truly a home from home, you’re going to need a roof that’s every bit as good as the roofing on your normal residential property. Typically, this means opting for a rubber roof that provides great insulation against all the external elements like wind and rain. However, some people prefer to go for a fiberglass roof that generally proves to be easier to maintain albeit adding some weight and cost to the vehicle. Yet another category of folks choose a sturdy aluminum roof that you can roll out over the top of your RV to provide an ideal covering.
Rubber Roofing
This kind of roofing is considered the superior option for the vast majority of RV owners, but what you choose really depends on a range of factors including cost and the amount of maintenance you’re willing to carry out over time.
For many people, rubber roofing cannot be beaten on account of its low costs alone, and RecPro provides some of the most affordable and cost-effective solutions to be found anywhere online. Maintenance is rather simple, too, and it’s more than likely that you already possess the skills required to repair your rubber roof with the help of one of our kits.
RV rubber roof is valued for its functionality and design. You will find rubber options available in a range of colors from white through to gray and even blue. Combining its high aesthetic qualities with low cost and weight, rubber is the perfect option for most RV owners.

Aluminum Roofing
This type of roofing goes a step further again than even fiberglass, and you’ll find aluminum to be a wonderful option if you need a higher degree of security and don’t mind the extra weight on your vehicle. What’s more, aluminum provides all of the positive qualities of metal, without the rust and high maintenance typical of ferrous alloys. You can buy rolls of aluminum that have been specially prepared for use as roofing material, and it’s easy enough to apply this kind of roofing to your RV without any prior experience.
Fiberglass Roofing
This sort of roofing is somewhat heavier than its rubber cousins, but in most cases, you’ll find fiberglass to require much less maintenance. You may prefer fiberglass if you want a roofing material that’s firm to the touch, but you should be aware that the increased weight will adversely affect your fuel economy slightly. Nevertheless, fiberglass is a great choice if you’re looking for a low-maintenance, sturdy option that’s truly built to last.
Venting Options
It’s quite common to find yourself overheating while you’re supposed to be relaxing in your RV, and this issue is all to do with poor ventilation. The combination of this heat with the inevitable build up of moisture is a recipe for disaster, leading to the growth and propagation of mold as well as other unpleasant problems. Fortunately, the solution to this is to install an air vent in your roof.
Most roof vents are manually operated via a crank, and you can pretty easily control the level of moisture and build-up of heat inside your vehicle. However, if you’re traveling through a hot and humid part of the country at the height of summer, you might want to invest in a proper roof fan or even an air conditioning unit.
Quick and Easy Maintenance Solutions
Even the best roofing materials get damaged and worn down over time, and this leads to a number of irritating and yet easily-solved problems. You’ll no doubt already be familiar with the majority of potential issues, and luckily even those you haven’t heard of aren’t too difficult to fix. For example, if your roof has started to leak water, you’re going to need a quick way to plug any holes or gaps while you’re on the road. Naturally, you can take your vehicle in for professional servicing once you finish your trip.
Whether you’re conducting your annual RV check-up, or you’ve just noticed a bit of structural damage while driving, a professional rubber roof repair kit will put your RV back into action in next to no time at all. If you’re repairing your rubber roof with one of our kits, you can expect a wide range of benefits, including those outlined below.
- Weather proofing
- Energy efficiency
- Puncture and tear resistance
- Fire resistance
- Low maintenance
- Watertight seals
- Fast drying time
Professional RV Roofing Products
Whatever your exact needs might be, just drop us a line and our experts will help you to make the right choice for your RV. Take your friends and family on the trip of a lifetime when your RV is in perfect condition.