ASA Electronics
Four Sensor RV Tire Pressure Monitoring System
- SKU:
- RP-2132

Monitoring the condition of your tires is a vital but often overlooked part of staying safe on the road. The importance of this task only grows when you are traveling with an RV, camper, or trailer. A faulty tire on large vehicles such as these can easily lead to a severe wreck and ruined plans. If you want to have an easy time monitoring the condition of your tires without using a big and bulky setup, this TPMS is perfect for you.
Compact and ConvenientMany Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems can get very complicated, be challenging to install, or include a lot of hardware. This TPMS differs from many others, offering everything you need in one tiny box. This TPMS system helps you get everything set up and ready to go in mere minutes and with minimal effort. This Tire Pressure Monitoring System can even individually monitor up to 22 tires with additional sensors. Additional sensors are not included. This TPMS uses a downloadable app on your phone to provide you with detailed information on your tires, so you do not have to worry about installing and wiring a big, clunky monitor. Suppose problems with your tire arise, such as low tire pressure or high tire temperature. In that case, the app will give you audio and visual warnings.
SensorsThis Tire Pressure Monitoring System uses four cap sensors to monitor the temperature and pressure of your tires. Cap sensors are tire pressure sensors that install directly onto the valve stem of your tires, much like a normal valve stem cap. Many other TPMS systems use internal sensors, requiring you to tear down your tire to install them. That is not the case with these cap sensors, making them very easy to install. These cap sensors have a pressure range of 0 to 184 PSI, a temperature range of -4°° to 185°°, and operate on a frequency of 2.4GHz. These TPMS sensors will only transmit data when the vehicle is moving more than 20mph, saving power from its CR1632 battery. These sensors are even kept safe from theft by the included lock nuts and anti-theft attachments.
Bluetooth Repeater
Included in this Tire Pressure Monitoring System is a Bluetooth repeater. This repeater is designed to boost the signal strength and range of the cap sensors, allowing you to use this TPMS on larger rigs such as RVs, travel trailers, and more. It is weather resistant and can be mounted either inside or outside of your rig. The Bluetooth repeater must be connected to a 12v or 24v power supply. It is recommended that you connect it to a power supply you can switch on or off to prevent battery drainage.
- App ready Bluetooth tire pressure monitoring system
- Audio and Visual warnings when problems arise
- Each tire can be individually monitored for pressure and temperature
- TPMS sensors only transmit data when the vehicle is going over 20mph
- Can support up to 22 tires with additional sensors (additional sensors not included)
- 0-184 PSI pressure monitoring range
- Easy to install - attaches directly to the tire stem
- Tire Sensor (4)
- Monitored Pressure Range: 0 to 184 PSI
- Monitored Temperature Range: -4°° to 185°°
- Operating Frequency: 2.4GHz
- Operating Voltage: 3v
- Battery Type: CR1632
- Battery Life: 1 year with normal use
- Bluetooth Repeater (1)
- Operating Voltage: 12v/24v
- Operating Frequency: Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0, 2400MHz - 2483.5MHx
- Weather resistant
- Can be mounted inside or outside your rig
- Lock Nuts (4)
- Anti-Theft Attachment (4)
- CR1632 Battery (4)
- Wrench (1)
Stay Safe With Less Effort
It does not take much effort to stay safer on the road, even when you are traveling with a big RV, trailer, or camper. This Tire Pressure Monitoring System is a simple way to easily improve your safety during your many travels and adventures. Use our website or chat with our Customer Care Team to get a TPMS for your rig. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to speak with us over the phone or contact us online.