In order for you to have a fun time camping, you'll need to consider safety. When you're camping with kids, this goes double. Keeping them safe allows them to have a good time without thinking about whether they're going to be hurt or not. While there are a ton of precautions you can take, many of them involve items already inside of your rig, such as the bed. Bunk beds are great for adding sleeping space while not taking up walking space. The problem many people come across is how to get up to the top bunk. Some beds have a ladder built into the side, but many do not. In this case, you'll need a bunk ladder. But what do you do when you can't hook up the ladder clips to the side of the bed? It wouldn't be safe to just let the ladder lean against the side but it also wouldn't be safe to try and climb up without it. In a case such as this, you're going to need a bracket. Our bunk ladders have the option of adding a bracket to the bundle, but if you've switched bed styles and now need a bracket or if your brackets have been damaged, then you'll need a new set. These bunk ladder brackets are here to get your ladder safe and stable again, ensuring a safe and enjoyable vacation.
Measuring 3-1/2" wide by 1" tall, these RV bunk ladder brackets are made of sturdy ABS plastic. Black in color, they match the bunk ladder and blend in nicely with RV interior design schemes. Attaching to the top bunk, these brackets are easy to install and easy to use. There are two brackets per pack for both sides of the ladder.
Keeping your family safe while on vacation is an important part of having a good time. Inside of your rig, there are many things to consider to keep this safety, including the bunk ladder on the bunk beds. To keep them stable and safe, just install these bunk ladder brackets to hold the ladder in place. Have any questions? Contact us online or call our friendly Customer Care team today!
- Dimensions: 3-1/2" x 1" x 1"
- Made in USA
- Material: ABS plastic
- Color: Black
- Attaches to bunk to secure ladder
- Easy to install and use
- 2 brackets per pack