Many challenges come with the territory of living with an RV or camper. There are all the challenges that come with the preparation before a long road trip, the various challenges that can occur during a road trip, and the challenges that arise when setting up in your camping area. One such difficulty you may face when setting up your RV, camper, or trailer is the terrain you are on. If the ground is too soft, you will likely find it hard to keep your rig stable. RecPro can provide an easy solution to that problem in the form of our 4-piece wheel chock stabilizer.
Keep Your Rig Stable
When camping on soft ground or loose terrains such as gravel, you may find that your RV or camper is not as stable as you would like it to be. Your jacks and wheels may sink into the ground, causing your rig to wobble or sit unevenly. This can also make your rig challenging to move when it is time to leave. These yellow 4 piece wheel chock stabilizers help mitigate those issues! These wheel chocks are small pads that lie underneath your jacks or wheels, providing your gear with additional surface area to rest on. This additional surface area provides your rig with increased stability on softer, uneven ground. They measure 6 ½” wide by 8 ¾” high by ¾” thick.
These wheel chock stabilizers are carefully built using heavy-duty UV-stabilized polypropylene material. This material is widely used in a variety of applications thanks to its impressive strength and the outstanding durability that it offers. Additionally, the honeycombed design of the pad provides extra structural strength and integrity while reducing weight. Together, these 4 wheel chock stabilizers have a combined load capacity of up to 2500kg.
Versatile And Easy To Store
Our 4 piece wheel chock stabilizers can be used to stabilize your rig in a variety of ways. They are compatible with swing-down stabilizers, awning arms, wheels, fifth wheel stabilizers, and stack jacks. These wheel chock stabilizers are not intended for hydraulic jacks. These wheel chock stabilizers are not only versatile in their use, but they are also effortless to store. They feature an interlocking design that allows you to stack them together easily. After stacking, they can conveniently be held together using the included carry strap for effortless storage.
A Simple Solution For Simple Stability
Having things go wrong during your camping trips is a stressful nightmare. The best way to prevent things from going wrong is to be prepared. Keep yourself prepared to handle soft ground with a 4 piece wheel chock stabilizer from RecPro, so you can spend more time enjoying yourself. Use our website or speak to our Customer Care Team to get a set for your rig. If you have any questions or comments, you can reach out to us online or over the phone.
- Prevents your jacks from sinking into the ground
- Built using heavy-duty UV stabilized polypropylene
- Interlocking design for convenient storage
- Convenient carry strap
- 4-piece
- Yellow
- Honeycombed design
- Enhances structural strength and integrity
- Compatible with stack jacks, fifth wheel stabilizers, swing down stabilizers, awning arms, wheels
- 2500kg load capacity
- 6 ½” Wide x 8 ¾” High x ¾” Thick
*Not intended for use with hydraulic jacks.*