Full-Timer? How to Make Sure You're Staying Safe and Following Orders
This Coronavirus pandemic that has swept the globe is still causing disruptions in everyone’s lives. With many states extending ‘stay-at-home’ orders through at least the end of April, everyone has to continue to make adjustments for the greater good.
But, when your home is on wheels, how does ‘staying at home’ apply to you? What can you do to follow the rules, keep yourself and everyone else safe, and still live comfortably in your RV?
Understand the Guidelines Wherever You Are
There aren’t any rules in place that say you can’t continue driving, but pay attention to the different rules and orders wherever you might be. Many of them change on a state-by-state basis, and some communities even have their own guidelines you should be following.
With that being said, it might be better for the time being to remain where you currently are. You might think you’re totally safe from the spread of this virus because you live in a self-contained home.
But, consider the fact that you have to get out to get gas, food, supplies, etc. The more you travel, the more frequently you’ll have to do those things. Some campgrounds are considered essential just for this reason - pick a spot and try to hunker down as we all ride through this together.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Living in an RV full-time is different from storing it away from the winter. You may not have multiple deep cleaning sessions each year. Rather, it’s likely that you just tidy up and clean as needed, as you would with any other home.
But, now is the perfect time to go through your rig and clean/disinfect as much as possible. Wipe all surfaces down with a disinfecting spray or wipe. Do the same with doorknobs, light switches, or anything else people touch on a regular basis. Give ‘spring cleaning’ a whole new meaning!
Getting Outdoors and Staying Inside
If you’re feeling cooped up in your rig, take some time to get outside. Try to avoid parks and trails that might be over-crowded, as that tends to defeat the purpose of social distancing. Instead, look for areas that are a bit less popular, and go for a long walk or hike to get some fresh air and keep from going stir-crazy.
The reality is, you’re probably going to be spending a lot more time in your RV until all of this passes. It can be frustrating, especially when it’s put a wrench in some of your existing plans.
But, why not take this time to reconnect with those you live with? Whether it’s your family or your spouse, do things together that are fun, relaxing, and can help you to bond. Playing board games together is a great option. It will keep your minds working, provide entertainment, and give you the chance to open up a conversation about anything and everything.
We’re all learning how to adjust to this new way of life. As a full-time RVer, it’s important to do your part to do the same.
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